
Neurontin Depression Anxiety

Many people who suffer from anxiety attacks can benefit from anti-anxiety medications. If you are suffering from anxiety attacks you probably have reached a point where you thought you have done all you could to try to help yourself overcome them.

There are many drugs out there that can work for people like you who suffer from this condition, and while there are drugs that may work for others, they may not necessarily work for you. This does not mean, however, that you should take a gamble when it comes to taking drugs for your anxiety attacks.

Your doctor's help is important in making sure that your use of medication is within safe dosages and has the least side effects possible. This is because some anti-anxiety drugs, like most drugs, also carry harmful effects, especially when used for purposes which for which they were not initially intended for. Neurontin is included in this category.

The anti-convulsant Neurontin was approved by the FDA in 1993 for the treatment of seizures and for the nerve pain associated with herpes and shingles. However, it has been found to cause neurontin depression, especially when used for off-label indications such as anxiety disorders along with bipolar disorders and restless legs syndrome. Doctors believe that neuropentin depression occurs, especially in children, when the drug is used for anxiety and this was confirmed by a report released by the FDA. In 2008, the FDA released a report stating that anti-epileptic drugs like Neurontin, unlike anti-anxiety drugs, were twice more likely to cause Neurontin depression compared to a placebo. Ironically, although it may often be prescribed by doctors to treat anxiety in some patients, neurontin, aside from causing Neurontin depression especially in the under-3 set, has been shown to cause anxiety - one of the conditions that it was supposed to treat!

Aside from neurontin depression, neurontin anxiety is another danger which is associated with the use of the drug. People who experienced neurontin anxiety experienced behavioral problems, crying, feeling a false sense of well-being and rapid and extreme mood swings. Some people have even experienced their depression and anxiety levels go up when they started taking neurontin.

Neurontin depression and anxiety can happen to anyone taking the drug. This is especially true if you are taking the drug as an anti-seizure medication. If you are experiencing the symptoms of neurontin depression and anxiety while on the drug, make sure to consult your doctor for advice on the next step.

The site shows you how to end stress and prevent anxiety attacks using cognitive behavioral methods along with proven natural techniques. You should totally check it out.

The above information thankfully comes from the at the following link

By Charlie Frankel